My baby girl has learnt how to do the clucking sound with her tongue. hahaha..even her granma was impressed. She started out trying and was licking at her lips loudly(look at the pic!) till she finally got it over a few days. About 3days I think..and its so amusing when she finally did! Haha...
Another milestone she reached was her managing to turn. Just the other day, she turned herself to the side and she turned herself to her tummy and got really angry frustrated...she actually does not like being on her tummy but she feeling frustrated at being left on the bed while I was pretending to sleep beside her. Well, I really wanted to see what she would do, :-P
And she started to turn and finally when she got on her tummy she cried out in frustration..but she turned nonetheless.Initially she was turning from her tummy to her back, cos she really hated being on her tummy but now...hehehe..And she tends to turn on her side more often now. Just the other night, she turned her body 45degress to her side. H & I will have to watch out more often. But I think the dimple pillow actually helps to hold her in the position so that she doesn't overdo the turning when she sleeps. So I have a slight peace of mind and not worry about her suffocating.
I am so looking forward to the motherhood fair coming up this week, I would like to get some great bargains on diapers, clothes, baby items. maybe a booster chair. I have been eyeing the one at www.kidzloft.com.sg for the longest time. Its ex but I think it will last her quite a while. Its a five stage seat so it will last her. I am hoping to find bargains at the fair so crossing my fingers! And the best part is the popular book fair at the same period, more baby books for my baby! YAY!!!
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