I cannot imagine it! Chicago in Singapore! OMG! OMG! OMG! Its coming in April to Esplanade theatres! How I wish i could go watch! I wonder how much are the tickets! Its CHICAGO!!!!
Well I have always been a musical buff, seen Phantom of the Opera, Les Miz, Miss Saigon, Cats well Phantom twice. Well what can I say. I will have to thank my aunt for it. I was opened up to such opportunites by her. And in any case I think that Les Miz was the best musical ever! I think I was 10 when I saw it. But seriously, musicals with the song and dance and acts they are just amazing. The music, tempo, it helps to bring ones' emotion and attention all to the show. I cried at Miss Saigon alright. Well, this is CHICAGO! The ultimate entertainment show with song, dance, crime, mischief, WOW!!! If you think Catherine Zeta Jones version was exciting, I think the live musical will knock you off your feet!
And of cos, in Singapore there isn't much of a theatre culture (people dress up for the theatres), I mean we are no broadway but hey have some common sense its the Esplanade theatres mind you. I have seen people going in to theatres in jeans! Come on, jeans! Put on some decent clothes for goodness sakes! If you can pay a for the theatre tickets in a box in the front row, I think you can pay for some decent pants and a shirt! Goodness!
Anyway, culture plays a really big part. Its like, wearing a dinner jacket to the fast food restaurat or wearing a pair of bermudas to a posh restaurant. These days sometimes I find that I take appropriate dressing for granted as well on myself. I refuse to buy new clothes as I think I will eventually fit into most of my old clothes, well look who am i kidding this will take quite a while. So yes, I invested in a few basic pieces with H help when we went to Uniquo(I think I have the wrong spelling). I can only say that H is the sweetest man ever!
Anyway, before I end DAMN! H's favourite X Factor, Jamie 'Afro' Archer is out of the competition and the twins are in. Lloyd Daniels is at risk and Stacey is safe! Woohoo! Wonder will the twins be out next week. Waiting to watch with H on Youtube. X Factor 2009 - Expect the unexpected!
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