Hello! Its been awhile! Well, things have changed and I have become a mummy second time around.
This second time round, things change alot. And I mean alot.
But one thing that hasn't, how people judge you based on the basics shared. Some people think that by doing what I do, I am selfish and I don't seem to be able to balance work and family properly. But for those who know what is happening, you actually stop judging and start understanding. Rather than to assume that its selfish and individual reasons, when you really know why then one realises that there is not much of a choice.
People are still the same, they judge and assume and think what they want to think. Sad to say that people do change for better or for the worst. And I have experienced both ends. I like to think that I have changed for the better in some areas and there are some areas I like to improve upon. Some people have changed so much that it worries me and the presumption they have to others is amazingly negative.
I have faced certain levels of negatively in my life and never have I felt so much simply because of the circumtances that I am in. I don't fault anyone and all I want to do is to improve upon it. You cannot dwell on problems, you have to solve it. And once I solve it, I will have all the time in the world. But now is not a good time, but I hope to those that matter you see that I am balancing out as much as I can.
We all inspire to be the Best!
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