E was down with yo yo fever for the past few days. Only today afternoon after our second visit to KK that she finally got over the yo yo fever. Apparently after urine tests, blood tests that all showed negative, they conclude that its a viral infection that caused the fever to yo yo up and down.
Especially worrying part is with her taking her panadol the fever could still hit a high of 40.5 and that was scary for me. The surprise that came out of it was that we realised how resilent E can be and how as parents we turned out to be. The exceptionals were the fact that how family support rallied behind us to assist, help, doing whatever everyone can. i was especially appreciative of the fact that my grandma was all giving all the suggestions (traditional) but I think I fully appreciate all the things done so as to get the fever down. I was pissed of with the doc at the neighbourhoodthat we first went, he said sore throat only although we told him that she had an eariler throat infection. Hai, should have went to KK first thing when her fever hit the 38.5 mark.
But once it hit 39, it was KKH at 9.30pm. We were there till 2am where they did a urine test and twice a urine bag was placed and twice it did not collect well until the doc managed to take a sample from the second not so well collected urine then it showed negative and the doc cleared her to go home with panadol and antibiotic and deduce it to be a viral infection.Third night, t did not go down we went back again this time at to go back again and this time they did a blood test and it showed negative but each time we went there, we went through passage 11 where all the emergency cases was sent for immediate care. So anyhow, she is better now, with her fever subsiding with constant sponging as well as monitoring her temperature and having her take her medication, all she can is to fight the infection the best she can. From the current status of it, I think she is winning the battle.
Learning more about myself and what I am up for over time as parent, a mother, an individual passionate about what I love doing.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Ramble ramble
Fine, I ramble...i can go on and on and on with my rambling. Well what to do, I have thoughts.haha.
Any case, been really tired out lately and thinking about how E is like.
She is intelligent, mischievous, impish, happy, cheery and happy. Most of the things are positive..wait wait. She is very active too. Only thing I blame is my schedule and H's schedule. The way we do it, she does not get a regular bedtime. And that is not a good thing at all. She used to knock out at 9pm and now she conks out about 10plus 11pm. Not good at all.
The way i see it, we need to work a routine. And I need to learn how to drive. damn it.
Any case, been really tired out lately and thinking about how E is like.
She is intelligent, mischievous, impish, happy, cheery and happy. Most of the things are positive..wait wait. She is very active too. Only thing I blame is my schedule and H's schedule. The way we do it, she does not get a regular bedtime. And that is not a good thing at all. She used to knock out at 9pm and now she conks out about 10plus 11pm. Not good at all.
The way i see it, we need to work a routine. And I need to learn how to drive. damn it.
In General and more
1)I have noticed how my blog gets read but I have absolutely no idea who reads it.
2)I am suffering from the continuous body ache that has no cure ( I have started on a massage package but then again its only once a month...)
3)I am so tired this week and I realised that being off from work gives me more things to do at home...so break = more work at home = no break and harder work
4)Constantly amazed by the ignorance of some and then realising at the end of day it was stupidity (this is a long story that relates to why I was so pissed off at the person who schedule H to work on X'mas Eve, so P****head if you are reading this...don't let me meet you otherwise I WILL MAKE YOU CRY!)
5)How Singapore English is a combination of the Queen's English and the American English.
6)I need to get more organised
7)I actually enjoy X-Factor more than Singapore Idol or American idol (but I am looking forward to this season before Simon Cowell pulls the plug cos Ellen Degeneres is on the judging panel)
8)Elayna's 10mths and I have yet to shed the next 50% of the pregnancy weight (must change my diet)
9)Back to point 4) - You are so freaking lucky that you may not meet me at all otherwise I will tell you that you lack the brains and the organisational skills for any kind of organisation, brains have not been factored into your production and I PITY YOU!
10) I can be really nice one second and the next if you happen to tread badly on my toes, I will be mean, scarcastic and thoughtless with pure poison of honesty pills to you if, think Ken Lim was bad, Simon Cowell was mean...they have not met me YET!
11)Love the fact that Elayna's close to turning one but finding out that the chalets are close to fully booked at the period that we are looking at holding one!ARGH! HOW TO HOLD ONE YEAR OLD PARTY!!!!
12)Amazed by the fact that Elayna is now 10months old and I am a mom for the past 10months and still sane and loving every second of it!
13)Struggling to finish 2 books that I had started..only accomplishment, finished one and did not start on another...
14)Have had Asus Eee for about a few months now and never did do the file transfer to it....HELP ME SOMEBODY! I am such a technic goondu!
15)Deciding whether or not to get a iphone when my plan is about to expire in 2010...I want the loyalty voucher and plus I think I am 70% sure just need more info....
16)Still contemplating whether to complain about the lousy driving instructor from CDC. Its about my lesson time that was ALREADY PAID BEING eaten up by the instructor who was so bloody lazy.Long story....
17)Need to take my final theory and start learning....
18)Need to start looking for childcare for Elayna...
19)Need to start planning for 2010 first Q
20)Realised that this list is starting to look like a resolution list for 2010..Ending now before I really start one...but I need to start planning more at home..
2)I am suffering from the continuous body ache that has no cure ( I have started on a massage package but then again its only once a month...)
3)I am so tired this week and I realised that being off from work gives me more things to do at home...so break = more work at home = no break and harder work
4)Constantly amazed by the ignorance of some and then realising at the end of day it was stupidity (this is a long story that relates to why I was so pissed off at the person who schedule H to work on X'mas Eve, so P****head if you are reading this...don't let me meet you otherwise I WILL MAKE YOU CRY!)
5)How Singapore English is a combination of the Queen's English and the American English.
6)I need to get more organised
7)I actually enjoy X-Factor more than Singapore Idol or American idol (but I am looking forward to this season before Simon Cowell pulls the plug cos Ellen Degeneres is on the judging panel)
8)Elayna's 10mths and I have yet to shed the next 50% of the pregnancy weight (must change my diet)
9)Back to point 4) - You are so freaking lucky that you may not meet me at all otherwise I will tell you that you lack the brains and the organisational skills for any kind of organisation, brains have not been factored into your production and I PITY YOU!
10) I can be really nice one second and the next if you happen to tread badly on my toes, I will be mean, scarcastic and thoughtless with pure poison of honesty pills to you if, think Ken Lim was bad, Simon Cowell was mean...they have not met me YET!
11)Love the fact that Elayna's close to turning one but finding out that the chalets are close to fully booked at the period that we are looking at holding one!ARGH! HOW TO HOLD ONE YEAR OLD PARTY!!!!
12)Amazed by the fact that Elayna is now 10months old and I am a mom for the past 10months and still sane and loving every second of it!
13)Struggling to finish 2 books that I had started..only accomplishment, finished one and did not start on another...
14)Have had Asus Eee for about a few months now and never did do the file transfer to it....HELP ME SOMEBODY! I am such a technic goondu!
15)Deciding whether or not to get a iphone when my plan is about to expire in 2010...I want the loyalty voucher and plus I think I am 70% sure just need more info....
16)Still contemplating whether to complain about the lousy driving instructor from CDC. Its about my lesson time that was ALREADY PAID BEING eaten up by the instructor who was so bloody lazy.Long story....
17)Need to take my final theory and start learning....
18)Need to start looking for childcare for Elayna...
19)Need to start planning for 2010 first Q
20)Realised that this list is starting to look like a resolution list for 2010..Ending now before I really start one...but I need to start planning more at home..
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Being Petty or being upset
Now what is the difference with the above statement. 1) represents an individual who is resented by mulling over something that does not affect him/herself greatly.
2)Represents a geninue concern over something with a slight level of disappointment and resentment that spills over an extended period of time.
I am currently at number 2. An incident over the weekend last week kinda hurt my feelings and its really something that really bothered me over an extended period of time. And sometimes, simply saying sorry is not good enough. It wasn't the first time it happened and thats why it bothers me so much. So that is why saying sorry is not good enough. It hurt me deeply and I don't know if I can trust this again.
2)Represents a geninue concern over something with a slight level of disappointment and resentment that spills over an extended period of time.
I am currently at number 2. An incident over the weekend last week kinda hurt my feelings and its really something that really bothered me over an extended period of time. And sometimes, simply saying sorry is not good enough. It wasn't the first time it happened and thats why it bothers me so much. So that is why saying sorry is not good enough. It hurt me deeply and I don't know if I can trust this again.
Monday, December 7, 2009
ALERT *May contain Spoilers for THE H*
Differences between Mums and Wives.
1)Mom will say why do you buy such clothes, the wife just buys the clothes for you.
2)Mom will wash the underwear and buy new underwear whether or not you need it, the wife will ask "you need new underwear meh?"
3)Mom will simply throw away the underwear that has holes in them, the wife will buy new ones and then secretly throw away the ones with holes for you.
4)Mom will wash the laundry for you, the wife will ask "y didn't you help with the laundry?"
5)Mom will always say, go to sleep first, the wife will say, sleep so early for what? Still got things to do at home you know.
6)Last but not least, Mom will always buy groceries at home, the wife will say "we need to buy groceries at home already."
1)Mom will say why do you buy such clothes, the wife just buys the clothes for you.
2)Mom will wash the underwear and buy new underwear whether or not you need it, the wife will ask "you need new underwear meh?"
3)Mom will simply throw away the underwear that has holes in them, the wife will buy new ones and then secretly throw away the ones with holes for you.
4)Mom will wash the laundry for you, the wife will ask "y didn't you help with the laundry?"
5)Mom will always say, go to sleep first, the wife will say, sleep so early for what? Still got things to do at home you know.
6)Last but not least, Mom will always buy groceries at home, the wife will say "we need to buy groceries at home already."
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Little Nine Month old Baby
Ahhh....Elayna's now finally at nine months and very soon she will be at 10mths and she will be celebrating her first Christmas with all of us! So so happy that she will turn 10mths on Christmas Eve but too bad Hubby will be busy with work. We can't spend her 10mths old together. But the plus side is that we will be able to spend my birthday together, yay!
I really love to spend time with her..even when I am sick. I was so sick the last weekend, feeling all woozy and giddy but still when it comes to her I am so awake. I think that Friday public holiday just made my body just go off the biological clock and turn all tired out and finally it all came down on me and I just simply hit the sick button.
Now that Elayna can crawl very well and starting to stand quite steadily. She is an amazing little baby and I really get amazed by her learning ability every single day. I am so looking forward to bringing her out on my birthday to see the christmas lights... woo hoo!! Merry Christmas!
I really love to spend time with her..even when I am sick. I was so sick the last weekend, feeling all woozy and giddy but still when it comes to her I am so awake. I think that Friday public holiday just made my body just go off the biological clock and turn all tired out and finally it all came down on me and I just simply hit the sick button.
Now that Elayna can crawl very well and starting to stand quite steadily. She is an amazing little baby and I really get amazed by her learning ability every single day. I am so looking forward to bringing her out on my birthday to see the christmas lights... woo hoo!! Merry Christmas!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Mariah Carey on X - Factor HD!
Mariah Carey you rock and you are the greatest female vocalist of all time (other than Celine Dion of course)
Many things ado
There are many things happening for me this few weeks, Elayna's having her medical checkup, 9months check up and also to check on optional jabs for her to make sure is properly vaccinated.
Starting to plan for her 1st birthday bash, hmmm...thinking of a Chalet I mean its not like she will remember it so maybe when she is 5 then we sit down and think more about it and hopefully by then she knows what she wants and we can plan more stuff..wahahaha...
Elmo has arrived in Singapore for her, she now has Elmo Live and TMX Elmo to play with. But its more like Elmo for mommy to figure out and play with her. The TMX edition feature special effects where once you find out the trigger sequences will come out with numerous reactions. I have yet to explore now waiting for her to wake up and explore it together with her.
Lately I have been bringing her out and we go very often to Vivo and just the other day we went to the pet safari at vivo and she loved the place! She was bouncing up and down on me when I showed her the dogs behind the glass windows and she absolutely jumped! I know she loves dogs and since her grandma and grand dad(on my husband's side) has dogs whenever she goes there she is so happy to see them.
And I miss her alot lately whenever I am at work...I think I need some time off soon...
Starting to plan for her 1st birthday bash, hmmm...thinking of a Chalet I mean its not like she will remember it so maybe when she is 5 then we sit down and think more about it and hopefully by then she knows what she wants and we can plan more stuff..wahahaha...
Elmo has arrived in Singapore for her, she now has Elmo Live and TMX Elmo to play with. But its more like Elmo for mommy to figure out and play with her. The TMX edition feature special effects where once you find out the trigger sequences will come out with numerous reactions. I have yet to explore now waiting for her to wake up and explore it together with her.
Lately I have been bringing her out and we go very often to Vivo and just the other day we went to the pet safari at vivo and she loved the place! She was bouncing up and down on me when I showed her the dogs behind the glass windows and she absolutely jumped! I know she loves dogs and since her grandma and grand dad(on my husband's side) has dogs whenever she goes there she is so happy to see them.
And I miss her alot lately whenever I am at work...I think I need some time off soon...
toast box vs ya kun
I am not a fan of toast box. Never was and never will. Ya Kun is another thing altogether...I miss Ya Kun Kaya toast.
Had Toast Box the other day, man there was no other word or words to describe other than YUCK!
Had a yuan yang that tasted plain like water no taste of coffee or tea. Kaya had no taste, was suppose to have peanut and butter kaya toast but it was just peanut butter..goodness!
It was terrible. And the price, same as Ya Kun. But the portions at TB are so so so so small...tell me about breakfast non value. They should evaluate their prices and portions. Non - value for money and low on taste value. A not ever to go in my book.
So lay off the Toast Box and may Ya Kun live forever!
I miss Ya Kun Kaya Toast...
Notice how short this post is simply there is nothing good to write about so I stick to not writing too much bad about it...
Had Toast Box the other day, man there was no other word or words to describe other than YUCK!
Had a yuan yang that tasted plain like water no taste of coffee or tea. Kaya had no taste, was suppose to have peanut and butter kaya toast but it was just peanut butter..goodness!
It was terrible. And the price, same as Ya Kun. But the portions at TB are so so so so small...tell me about breakfast non value. They should evaluate their prices and portions. Non - value for money and low on taste value. A not ever to go in my book.
So lay off the Toast Box and may Ya Kun live forever!
I miss Ya Kun Kaya Toast...
Notice how short this post is simply there is nothing good to write about so I stick to not writing too much bad about it...
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Chicago - All that JAZZ!
I cannot imagine it! Chicago in Singapore! OMG! OMG! OMG! Its coming in April to Esplanade theatres! How I wish i could go watch! I wonder how much are the tickets! Its CHICAGO!!!!
Well I have always been a musical buff, seen Phantom of the Opera, Les Miz, Miss Saigon, Cats well Phantom twice. Well what can I say. I will have to thank my aunt for it. I was opened up to such opportunites by her. And in any case I think that Les Miz was the best musical ever! I think I was 10 when I saw it. But seriously, musicals with the song and dance and acts they are just amazing. The music, tempo, it helps to bring ones' emotion and attention all to the show. I cried at Miss Saigon alright. Well, this is CHICAGO! The ultimate entertainment show with song, dance, crime, mischief, WOW!!! If you think Catherine Zeta Jones version was exciting, I think the live musical will knock you off your feet!
And of cos, in Singapore there isn't much of a theatre culture (people dress up for the theatres), I mean we are no broadway but hey have some common sense its the Esplanade theatres mind you. I have seen people going in to theatres in jeans! Come on, jeans! Put on some decent clothes for goodness sakes! If you can pay a for the theatre tickets in a box in the front row, I think you can pay for some decent pants and a shirt! Goodness!
Anyway, culture plays a really big part. Its like, wearing a dinner jacket to the fast food restaurat or wearing a pair of bermudas to a posh restaurant. These days sometimes I find that I take appropriate dressing for granted as well on myself. I refuse to buy new clothes as I think I will eventually fit into most of my old clothes, well look who am i kidding this will take quite a while. So yes, I invested in a few basic pieces with H help when we went to Uniquo(I think I have the wrong spelling). I can only say that H is the sweetest man ever!
Anyway, before I end DAMN! H's favourite X Factor, Jamie 'Afro' Archer is out of the competition and the twins are in. Lloyd Daniels is at risk and Stacey is safe! Woohoo! Wonder will the twins be out next week. Waiting to watch with H on Youtube. X Factor 2009 - Expect the unexpected!
Well I have always been a musical buff, seen Phantom of the Opera, Les Miz, Miss Saigon, Cats well Phantom twice. Well what can I say. I will have to thank my aunt for it. I was opened up to such opportunites by her. And in any case I think that Les Miz was the best musical ever! I think I was 10 when I saw it. But seriously, musicals with the song and dance and acts they are just amazing. The music, tempo, it helps to bring ones' emotion and attention all to the show. I cried at Miss Saigon alright. Well, this is CHICAGO! The ultimate entertainment show with song, dance, crime, mischief, WOW!!! If you think Catherine Zeta Jones version was exciting, I think the live musical will knock you off your feet!
And of cos, in Singapore there isn't much of a theatre culture (people dress up for the theatres), I mean we are no broadway but hey have some common sense its the Esplanade theatres mind you. I have seen people going in to theatres in jeans! Come on, jeans! Put on some decent clothes for goodness sakes! If you can pay a for the theatre tickets in a box in the front row, I think you can pay for some decent pants and a shirt! Goodness!
Anyway, culture plays a really big part. Its like, wearing a dinner jacket to the fast food restaurat or wearing a pair of bermudas to a posh restaurant. These days sometimes I find that I take appropriate dressing for granted as well on myself. I refuse to buy new clothes as I think I will eventually fit into most of my old clothes, well look who am i kidding this will take quite a while. So yes, I invested in a few basic pieces with H help when we went to Uniquo(I think I have the wrong spelling). I can only say that H is the sweetest man ever!
Anyway, before I end DAMN! H's favourite X Factor, Jamie 'Afro' Archer is out of the competition and the twins are in. Lloyd Daniels is at risk and Stacey is safe! Woohoo! Wonder will the twins be out next week. Waiting to watch with H on Youtube. X Factor 2009 - Expect the unexpected!
Monday, November 9, 2009
The thing about..
Last week had been a good week. I watched 2 movies! Julie v.s Julia as in Julia Child and This is IT the final pictorial on Michael Jackson. He was a talented man and it is sad that he was gone too soon. I was a fan and will always remain a fan.
Julia Child, a new name to me and the movie inspired me on cooking..and this movie was a special treat from H who was really really wonderful to surprised me with a movie although he knew it was busy week for me and he was headed for a busy time at work still took time out to pamper me. I love you dear!
I wonder if I should buy the book on Julia Child. I am so inspired now....But then again I would always love to get the book to read about her life and her thoughts..so interesting.
By the way, stupid X-Factor this week sees Lucie Jones eliminated..How can!!! ARGH!! Its a talent show! Not an entertainment programe! They are trying to find ppl to represent the UK not to be popular Kids entertainment acts!
But I'm sure nickelodean might pick the twins up as an horror act.hahahahaha
Julia Child, a new name to me and the movie inspired me on cooking..and this movie was a special treat from H who was really really wonderful to surprised me with a movie although he knew it was busy week for me and he was headed for a busy time at work still took time out to pamper me. I love you dear!
I wonder if I should buy the book on Julia Child. I am so inspired now....But then again I would always love to get the book to read about her life and her thoughts..so interesting.
By the way, stupid X-Factor this week sees Lucie Jones eliminated..How can!!! ARGH!! Its a talent show! Not an entertainment programe! They are trying to find ppl to represent the UK not to be popular Kids entertainment acts!
But I'm sure nickelodean might pick the twins up as an horror act.hahahahaha
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
X-Factor UK
It has become a weekly ritual for me and H to watch X-Factor off Youtube in replacement of usual telly since it broke down a few months back.
Not that we watched television anyway cos by the time we get home every night its really late. And nothing is good on telly these days anyway. So we ended up watching DVDs or youtube for programmes.
Not that we shop for DVDs, but I have this video rental service called Hollywoodclicks.com which I would go online to order DVDs that we would watch and it will send to my address and all I have to do is to send it back after watching. So cool right. I know. That is why I have the service and I use it now for DVDs that I would like Elayna to watch and for H and I to watch when we get home.
Anyway, the link is to one of my favourite performers from X-Factor, H's favourite is this guy called Jamie Archer who I now think after Rock week is absolutely amazing. I totally agree with Simon on Jeward they stink and I can't understand how they will be able to survive on radio and music performances. Louie has such a lousy team and his 2 best teams have been voted out because of them!
The entire voting has been so skewed towards those who are least popular but they would happen to be those who can sing! ARGH!so stinks. Watch and you will know. argh!
Not that we watched television anyway cos by the time we get home every night its really late. And nothing is good on telly these days anyway. So we ended up watching DVDs or youtube for programmes.
Not that we shop for DVDs, but I have this video rental service called Hollywoodclicks.com which I would go online to order DVDs that we would watch and it will send to my address and all I have to do is to send it back after watching. So cool right. I know. That is why I have the service and I use it now for DVDs that I would like Elayna to watch and for H and I to watch when we get home.
Anyway, the link is to one of my favourite performers from X-Factor, H's favourite is this guy called Jamie Archer who I now think after Rock week is absolutely amazing. I totally agree with Simon on Jeward they stink and I can't understand how they will be able to survive on radio and music performances. Louie has such a lousy team and his 2 best teams have been voted out because of them!
The entire voting has been so skewed towards those who are least popular but they would happen to be those who can sing! ARGH!so stinks. Watch and you will know. argh!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Car Seat and other matters

Talking about car seat. This is Elayna in her car seat. After much research, H and I decided on a Maxi-Cosi, not a Britax, Graco, Safety First. We went to Baby Avenue at Balestier to purchase. And guess what we found out after purchase, baby Hyperstore is the distributor for Maxi Cosi. So there. Now you know. Anyway, fyi this car seat the Priori Sp costs $268 so its a pretty good bargain and this color is also available in the 2009 color scheme.
So its a good buy. Period.
Research done:
I went online to Babies r Us, elite car seats, amazon to read up on reviews and feedback on the car seats. I even went on this particular site which tells me what car seats fit for which car (but take note, make sure you know the US name for your car model.) http://www.carseatdata.org/.
Also another thing to note. We got a playpen for $98 at Baby avenue. Yes, $98 not some brand you never heard of. Gelite. Only Catch, its blue. Then again, good buy at $98
Will post up a picture soon of the playpen. But for Elayna its okay cos she's kinda petite so it would fit her for quite some time.
Anyway, I have a Manual Medela Harmony pump for sale which I used for barely 30mins cos I was no good with a manual pump. I still prefer my medela electrical pump. So if anyone would like to get a back up, please let me know I will sell it second hand.
So thats it for my thoughts today...usually when I don't work my thoughts turn to Elayna...=D
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Geek Mom
Okay, not exactly world but hey its a start to something. I know I have not been the best of regular blog mom but I think I really need to start somewhere again.
I found out lately again that I can't really sleep well without my hubby beside me. Haiz. Don't ask. Work again. Anyway, for me work has been alot more easier, now that I found my old self back again. The passionate plead to myself worked. Anyway, its more of a I have a fire in me and its burning harder than before.
So what I really want to say is, I am enjoying being busy and having to think and think. The effect it has on me really helps me to discipline myself on other aspects of my life. Although, I like to think that having a gym membership might help me or being able to study for a new psychology degree might be good too.Any sponsorships?
Having signed up for a massage package lately, 10sessions at this place called Subtle Senses, went for a free trial on their slimming thing, but I think for me someone who has stubborn fat, post natal fat and also muscle it doesn't really work. Nonetheless, I signed up for the Deep Tissue Sports massage as I really need it. I will be going for my first session soon and hopefully it will be good as I have requested for the 'strongest' massage lady they have. (I have knots in my body) .
So I hope that it will be good and i will remind myself to blog about it.
First Driving lesson - Was alright, just that Comfort Driving Centre DID NOT call me especially this was my first lesson that the car assigned to me had problems and they had to change my car the last min. I was left standing there waiting for 10mins for the instructor to come up to me and asked if I was his 10.20am appt. So stupid. And I had to go to Ubi to learn at the circuit. So talk about time wasted. Driving lessons are not cheap and what I assume that I am paying for adds on the the little things like if training vehicle assigned had broken down, inform me about the new vehicle?! Talk about service standards dropping. No wonder the recent survey by SMU found that the service industry needs more improvement.
So yea, I work in a service/retail/training/sports/educational line so I know how important having good service is like. If I have the chance I would jump at joining a Customer service management course. Actually I think if I have the chance to take any management course related to my work now I would jump at it. Its always just the financial part that keeps me from jumping in.
But the term Geek mom appeared on I think either young parents or motherhood. There was a certain article on geek mom, how mom's these days with the advent of internet how blogging, surfing for info has increased. I totally agree and I think I scored a 7 out of 10 man on geekiness mom.
Okay, no gripes now. Have to focus..ciao!
Okay, not exactly world but hey its a start to something. I know I have not been the best of regular blog mom but I think I really need to start somewhere again.
I found out lately again that I can't really sleep well without my hubby beside me. Haiz. Don't ask. Work again. Anyway, for me work has been alot more easier, now that I found my old self back again. The passionate plead to myself worked. Anyway, its more of a I have a fire in me and its burning harder than before.
So what I really want to say is, I am enjoying being busy and having to think and think. The effect it has on me really helps me to discipline myself on other aspects of my life. Although, I like to think that having a gym membership might help me or being able to study for a new psychology degree might be good too.Any sponsorships?
Having signed up for a massage package lately, 10sessions at this place called Subtle Senses, went for a free trial on their slimming thing, but I think for me someone who has stubborn fat, post natal fat and also muscle it doesn't really work. Nonetheless, I signed up for the Deep Tissue Sports massage as I really need it. I will be going for my first session soon and hopefully it will be good as I have requested for the 'strongest' massage lady they have. (I have knots in my body) .
So I hope that it will be good and i will remind myself to blog about it.
First Driving lesson - Was alright, just that Comfort Driving Centre DID NOT call me especially this was my first lesson that the car assigned to me had problems and they had to change my car the last min. I was left standing there waiting for 10mins for the instructor to come up to me and asked if I was his 10.20am appt. So stupid. And I had to go to Ubi to learn at the circuit. So talk about time wasted. Driving lessons are not cheap and what I assume that I am paying for adds on the the little things like if training vehicle assigned had broken down, inform me about the new vehicle?! Talk about service standards dropping. No wonder the recent survey by SMU found that the service industry needs more improvement.
So yea, I work in a service/retail/training/sports/educational line so I know how important having good service is like. If I have the chance I would jump at joining a Customer service management course. Actually I think if I have the chance to take any management course related to my work now I would jump at it. Its always just the financial part that keeps me from jumping in.
But the term Geek mom appeared on I think either young parents or motherhood. There was a certain article on geek mom, how mom's these days with the advent of internet how blogging, surfing for info has increased. I totally agree and I think I scored a 7 out of 10 man on geekiness mom.
Okay, no gripes now. Have to focus..ciao!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Long time no blog
Wow...its been nearly a month since I last blogged on anything. I mean I had been posting baby E's pics and vids up to facebook and all but I have been keeping my net life to a minimum. I think I am on this reading frenzy for baby E. I am so into buying books for her. I don't think she needs more toys although I think more interesting ones are in lieu.
More of holding on for the perfect car seat to come along for her. Been looking around online for her. Brands such as Britax, The First Years, Maxi Cosi and Safety 1st. Looks like choices available. So anyhow, hoping to be able to see it soon. baby E's been fussing in her current car seat about more room. She has been fussing and fussing, whining and whining in her car seat for ages. Although she is not very big (a small baby compared to most 7-8mth old babies) she just wants more room.haiya.
So must look at car seats and must bring her along when we want her to try before decide buying. She must like it. If she doesn't then pointless to buy. At such a tender age of 7 going on 8months she already knows what she wants. I mean at age 1month or so she already knows that she does not want more milk.
I need to look after myself more. Been so so tired lately. Aches and pains all over the body. Need to get myself up to activity again.
Also starting on my driving lessons, talking about that better log on for my online lessons and book dates for test. I think Dec would be a good time as well as Jan , Feb to push up on lessons. But looking at my schedules hai..Anyway, if I am asked again would I prefer money or more off days...I remain the same. I prefer more off days. Money is something which you can earn back but you can never bring back time. So the trade off is there but I think I will always prefer more time.
Its our first wedding anniversary soon. I think I would love to go skating that day...strange but true...
More of holding on for the perfect car seat to come along for her. Been looking around online for her. Brands such as Britax, The First Years, Maxi Cosi and Safety 1st. Looks like choices available. So anyhow, hoping to be able to see it soon. baby E's been fussing in her current car seat about more room. She has been fussing and fussing, whining and whining in her car seat for ages. Although she is not very big (a small baby compared to most 7-8mth old babies) she just wants more room.haiya.
So must look at car seats and must bring her along when we want her to try before decide buying. She must like it. If she doesn't then pointless to buy. At such a tender age of 7 going on 8months she already knows what she wants. I mean at age 1month or so she already knows that she does not want more milk.
I need to look after myself more. Been so so tired lately. Aches and pains all over the body. Need to get myself up to activity again.
Also starting on my driving lessons, talking about that better log on for my online lessons and book dates for test. I think Dec would be a good time as well as Jan , Feb to push up on lessons. But looking at my schedules hai..Anyway, if I am asked again would I prefer money or more off days...I remain the same. I prefer more off days. Money is something which you can earn back but you can never bring back time. So the trade off is there but I think I will always prefer more time.
Its our first wedding anniversary soon. I think I would love to go skating that day...strange but true...
Friday, September 11, 2009
So So...grrr...
You know that feeling when you put people on the first in line list and then they think that you don't. That is so aggravating. It is so true for the work that I do. Even sometimes in life. Just get this you *****s! I do put all your concerns in first place just that sometimes there isn't a choice and that sometimes other people are just did not do it! So to those people who are not able to do what you are asked....(which I am sometimes.) well DO IT! DO NOT SAY I WILL DO IT LATER!
Stop saying that you don't know. Not good enough! Be someone and just, ok I screwed up sorry.
Elayna has not been sleeping alot lately and that worries me. she has to sleep to grow.
Stop saying that you don't know. Not good enough! Be someone and just, ok I screwed up sorry.
Elayna has not been sleeping alot lately and that worries me. she has to sleep to grow.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Updates, updates..
Since the last time she had her injection, she had fever which started in the evening and it went off by the time it was early morning next day. But the most important thing of all was that she was all right. Her next injection will be when she is 15mths. Wee...
Anyhow, I just had the most exhausting week ever again.Not complaining, it was fun and I really loved it from the start to the end. Only thing was it took me away from Elayna. I really missed her the last few days. Especially since the fact that I work till late at night. But I must count my blessings that I have the morning and early afternoon with her.
I get off till this Thu so how cool is that. Thinking of what I should do, but all I really want to do is to spend time with Elayna and have some time with hubby. Its been ages since we really had some time together. Just the two of us. sometimes it just does not turn out as well as I like it to be but I really hope to have some two of us time. He will be having a day off tomorrow, I hope as long as nothing goes wrong at work and I hope that we can have some together time with nothing going wrong. I really enjoy my time with my hubby. But we both really need to loosen up abit more. I have been uptight and so have he. I tired so is he. But somehow things just happen at the wrong time. Haizzz
One thought that goes in my head is how fast time flies, its going to Elayna's six months birthday. I make it a point to tell her how many months old she is and happy month old birthday. It might sound abit silly but I think its fun for her to count the months as she goes older. But the thought of her reaching half a year old, makes me really happy and at the same time wonder how fast does time pass. In a blink of an eye, she is going to be six months old. So many moments and happenings that I will continue to treasure and want to hold close. I love to hug her and I wonder sometimes, how long before she no longer just fits on my body.
How time flies. And just one more week to Elayna's six months birthday!
Anyhow, I just had the most exhausting week ever again.Not complaining, it was fun and I really loved it from the start to the end. Only thing was it took me away from Elayna. I really missed her the last few days. Especially since the fact that I work till late at night. But I must count my blessings that I have the morning and early afternoon with her.
I get off till this Thu so how cool is that. Thinking of what I should do, but all I really want to do is to spend time with Elayna and have some time with hubby. Its been ages since we really had some time together. Just the two of us. sometimes it just does not turn out as well as I like it to be but I really hope to have some two of us time. He will be having a day off tomorrow, I hope as long as nothing goes wrong at work and I hope that we can have some together time with nothing going wrong. I really enjoy my time with my hubby. But we both really need to loosen up abit more. I have been uptight and so have he. I tired so is he. But somehow things just happen at the wrong time. Haizzz
One thought that goes in my head is how fast time flies, its going to Elayna's six months birthday. I make it a point to tell her how many months old she is and happy month old birthday. It might sound abit silly but I think its fun for her to count the months as she goes older. But the thought of her reaching half a year old, makes me really happy and at the same time wonder how fast does time pass. In a blink of an eye, she is going to be six months old. So many moments and happenings that I will continue to treasure and want to hold close. I love to hug her and I wonder sometimes, how long before she no longer just fits on my body.
How time flies. And just one more week to Elayna's six months birthday!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Her 6 in 1
Elayna has been real good with vaccinations so far. The last 5in1 she had a slight fever on the first day and then second was all clear. So she had her final 6in1 today so I am monitoring her temp today and tonight. usually the fever pops up at night. So have to be really careful.
Also she still hasn't really put on alot of weight. About 200gms since last mth. Haizzz kinda worried. But one thing i know is that she is happy, having fun and doing well. Other than that she is not gaining weight as much as I expected.
She has started to babble more, chit chat more now. I think she might start to say her first word soon, so amazing. I am so looking forward to talking to her soon. Can I ask for more?
She will be taking her next jab when she turns 15mths but I am considering some of the other jabs so let me go check it out. Hopefully can get her vaccinated. With H1N1 these days, I really have to be more careful and more stringent as her mother. Of course I cannot be too protective, but I think where there can be control measures I will do it.
Hopefully, tonight no fever otherwise sleepless night again like the last time.
Also she still hasn't really put on alot of weight. About 200gms since last mth. Haizzz kinda worried. But one thing i know is that she is happy, having fun and doing well. Other than that she is not gaining weight as much as I expected.
She has started to babble more, chit chat more now. I think she might start to say her first word soon, so amazing. I am so looking forward to talking to her soon. Can I ask for more?
She will be taking her next jab when she turns 15mths but I am considering some of the other jabs so let me go check it out. Hopefully can get her vaccinated. With H1N1 these days, I really have to be more careful and more stringent as her mother. Of course I cannot be too protective, but I think where there can be control measures I will do it.
Hopefully, tonight no fever otherwise sleepless night again like the last time.
Man in the mirror.
These days I think that I have been putting myself in situations where I should not have poked my nose into. Sometimes I think that by caring too much and being too honest and when people cannot take the honesty and solution I get the returning crap that I feel that I absolutely do not deserve.
I have been taking in alot lately and just that bit more actually put me over the wall. And for those who think that by running away from reality your life would be better then go right ahead. I have had enough. Change can only begin when you start with yourself that is why change starts with the Man in the Mirror or women to be fair in today's context when men and women are equal.
Don't think that by being so noble and generous you can always solve problems, sometimes problems means being honest and face facts and be ready to deal with the real world. The fact of this world is this, life is never easy but the important thing is learning how to deal. There is no such thing as perfection but perfection is how you view it. There is no such thing as perfect happiness in any situation but its how you deal and view any moment. To me the perfect moment is when I have Elayna in my arms and she is hugging me back and my hubby holding me close. That is perfection to my family life.
Well others is just how I deal with any situation. Perfection is in the eye of the beholder very much like how beauty is. Face that man/woman in the mirror and ask yourself how do you want to change and solve your problems. At least I will applaud at your attempt to try. Life is never easy, but its how you deal with it that makes you stronger. Life may throw shit at you but make sure you have a plastic bag to pick it up and throw it down the bin. Or simply, duck. And then pick it up to clear up around you. Life is not about how hard to soft or easy the way is, its how you live with it. How you learn how to deal with any situations. Be strong, be honest and be ready to face the world. And unfortunately, the world is not that perfect yet. Its up to ourselves to make it perfect.
I have been taking in alot lately and just that bit more actually put me over the wall. And for those who think that by running away from reality your life would be better then go right ahead. I have had enough. Change can only begin when you start with yourself that is why change starts with the Man in the Mirror or women to be fair in today's context when men and women are equal.
Don't think that by being so noble and generous you can always solve problems, sometimes problems means being honest and face facts and be ready to deal with the real world. The fact of this world is this, life is never easy but the important thing is learning how to deal. There is no such thing as perfection but perfection is how you view it. There is no such thing as perfect happiness in any situation but its how you deal and view any moment. To me the perfect moment is when I have Elayna in my arms and she is hugging me back and my hubby holding me close. That is perfection to my family life.
Well others is just how I deal with any situation. Perfection is in the eye of the beholder very much like how beauty is. Face that man/woman in the mirror and ask yourself how do you want to change and solve your problems. At least I will applaud at your attempt to try. Life is never easy, but its how you deal with it that makes you stronger. Life may throw shit at you but make sure you have a plastic bag to pick it up and throw it down the bin. Or simply, duck. And then pick it up to clear up around you. Life is not about how hard to soft or easy the way is, its how you live with it. How you learn how to deal with any situations. Be strong, be honest and be ready to face the world. And unfortunately, the world is not that perfect yet. Its up to ourselves to make it perfect.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Time on my own
Well, not that I don't have time on my own. I honestly feel that I would like more time with my baby girl. She is growing so fast that sometimes I get amazed but one thing I do enjoying doing the most is at night before we both go to bed, I will sing her a lullaby to get her to sleep. I will hug her and she will lie on me and I will sing and hum her to sleep. She will always fall asleep and Hubby and I will kiss and tell her that we love her.
She is really adorable. The way she smiles and laughs, every night when I finish off from work, no matter what I know that when i see her I will smile and be happy again. She is my sunshine, my shining light and my little heart. When she touches my face so lightly to feel the way her mummy's face is shaped like, it melts my heart.
No matter how tired I might be from work or from my day, I just know that she looks forward to having me hold her in my arms and singing her to sleep. Now whenever we ask her where's mummy, she knows to turn and look at me. Awwww.....melts my heart.
Love you Elayna. Good night and sweet dreams.
She is really adorable. The way she smiles and laughs, every night when I finish off from work, no matter what I know that when i see her I will smile and be happy again. She is my sunshine, my shining light and my little heart. When she touches my face so lightly to feel the way her mummy's face is shaped like, it melts my heart.
No matter how tired I might be from work or from my day, I just know that she looks forward to having me hold her in my arms and singing her to sleep. Now whenever we ask her where's mummy, she knows to turn and look at me. Awwww.....melts my heart.
Love you Elayna. Good night and sweet dreams.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the Kings' Horses and all the Kings' Men
Couldn't put Dumpty together again.
Very very real in reality. This rhyme is a rhyme to all children as a warning that if you are not careful, one day you might fall and if you fall there might not be a next time anymore.
HD is an egg, a fragile giant size egg. very much like human physiology. Fragile, of cos nothing like the human spirit which is tough and determined. In any case, HD is a thrill seeker who enjoys nothing more than improving his balance by sitting on a wall. One day, while he was practising he swung too hard and fell off the wall. Unlike other times where the Kings' Men could put him together. This time, he broke into many, many small pieces, they just can't seem to put him back together.
HD forgot that he needed the Kings' Men to put him together so he kept going and going to the wall to swing and swing. what he doesn't realise is, there will come a day when the Kings' Men can't put him together again cos he does not allow himself to be put back together fully before going back to the wall to swing.
So the result is the final fall he has, he broke into even smaller pieces that even the best of Kings' Men cannot put him back together again.
The End
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the Kings' Horses and all the Kings' Men
Couldn't put Dumpty together again.
Very very real in reality. This rhyme is a rhyme to all children as a warning that if you are not careful, one day you might fall and if you fall there might not be a next time anymore.
HD is an egg, a fragile giant size egg. very much like human physiology. Fragile, of cos nothing like the human spirit which is tough and determined. In any case, HD is a thrill seeker who enjoys nothing more than improving his balance by sitting on a wall. One day, while he was practising he swung too hard and fell off the wall. Unlike other times where the Kings' Men could put him together. This time, he broke into many, many small pieces, they just can't seem to put him back together.
HD forgot that he needed the Kings' Men to put him together so he kept going and going to the wall to swing and swing. what he doesn't realise is, there will come a day when the Kings' Men can't put him together again cos he does not allow himself to be put back together fully before going back to the wall to swing.
So the result is the final fall he has, he broke into even smaller pieces that even the best of Kings' Men cannot put him back together again.
The End
Saturday, July 18, 2009
posting from my mobile
how in the world did i manage to post frm my mobile.Hubby got me the N86.I have been trying out new things like surfing frm mobile.anyway,until i go on lappy,im too tired to log on nw.i'll set up mobile blogging later.gd nite everyone.thank u dear for my new mobile.muacksz!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Michael Jackson R.I.P 1958 - 2009
Michael Jackson was laid to rest today at 50 years old, it was a sad, sad, sad day for all music fans around the world today.. Like many others around the world, I am watching the memorial and listened to his friends say the good things about him, reminisce his life and their memories of him and sing songs to celebrate and show the world who he really is.
I am sadden that Elayna would never be able to see such an amazing performer ever again. He was the King, he was the world's greatest entertainer, the world bowed at his feet whenever he sang and performed. I remember when I was old enough to know, the first few songs I loved was Michael Jackson's Heal the World. That was the first time I knew that music could be used for good things. When I first learnt that music could have stories, I watched Thriller. I was in a wonderland. As I sing to Elayna each day, although I may not sing the songs I used to sing but I know that one day she will ask me, " Mummy, who sang that ABC song?"
When I first learnt racial divide, I heard Black & White and I learnt that everyone was created equal. Men, women, children, people of different color, people of different languages they are no different. He reminded many people that he was only human and that everyone have every right to be who they are and not be subjected to every single aspect and second of their life under scrutiny in the song Scream with his sister Janet Jackson. It was there I learnt that music can be used to express fear, anger and despair at life as long as we are able to hold firm and stay strong with our family we can be strong.
Will you be there, taught me vulnerability, I am allowed to be vulnerable but hold strong at the same time. His music gave me strength, through the vulnerability that he showed the world, he gave others strength. He was that kind of person. He wore his heart on his sleeve and taught the world how to live through his songs. He was a generous man. He believed in the world and the world believed back.
His music told stories, his music flowed with emotions that filled my soul and taught the world that music can break all walls and barriers. He sang with love, passion, sorrow, anger but never hate. He showed that music could flow with emotions, could be filled with love. That is what I would want to give to Elayna. Music with love and passion that I can ever give her.
I am a fan and I still will even as he passes on. His music, his legacy will live on. I will let Elayna hear his songs, learn the words, sing his songs and share with her what I loved about him and his music. He gave his life for the music, he gave his life to the world. He lives in everyone, for he is everyone. He is the greatest performer and musician that ever lived and this planet had ever seen.
I am sadden that Elayna would never be able to see such an amazing performer ever again. He was the King, he was the world's greatest entertainer, the world bowed at his feet whenever he sang and performed. I remember when I was old enough to know, the first few songs I loved was Michael Jackson's Heal the World. That was the first time I knew that music could be used for good things. When I first learnt that music could have stories, I watched Thriller. I was in a wonderland. As I sing to Elayna each day, although I may not sing the songs I used to sing but I know that one day she will ask me, " Mummy, who sang that ABC song?"
When I first learnt racial divide, I heard Black & White and I learnt that everyone was created equal. Men, women, children, people of different color, people of different languages they are no different. He reminded many people that he was only human and that everyone have every right to be who they are and not be subjected to every single aspect and second of their life under scrutiny in the song Scream with his sister Janet Jackson. It was there I learnt that music can be used to express fear, anger and despair at life as long as we are able to hold firm and stay strong with our family we can be strong.
Will you be there, taught me vulnerability, I am allowed to be vulnerable but hold strong at the same time. His music gave me strength, through the vulnerability that he showed the world, he gave others strength. He was that kind of person. He wore his heart on his sleeve and taught the world how to live through his songs. He was a generous man. He believed in the world and the world believed back.
His music told stories, his music flowed with emotions that filled my soul and taught the world that music can break all walls and barriers. He sang with love, passion, sorrow, anger but never hate. He showed that music could flow with emotions, could be filled with love. That is what I would want to give to Elayna. Music with love and passion that I can ever give her.
I am a fan and I still will even as he passes on. His music, his legacy will live on. I will let Elayna hear his songs, learn the words, sing his songs and share with her what I loved about him and his music. He gave his life for the music, he gave his life to the world. He lives in everyone, for he is everyone. He is the greatest performer and musician that ever lived and this planet had ever seen.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Life as at today
I think I have quite abit of pent up anger from alot things happening to me lately. It involves people being blind, involves my own inability to wake up eariler and my other faults and expectations.
I think I am a pretty capable person, I am described as quite self discipline by my family members and I am also known as quite a picky or fussy person. Other things that people know about me also involve me being quite spoilt (what to do, only child what), demanding and extra cautious. I am not the type who would throw caution to the wind and would always do my best whenever I am tasked with something. But somehow, I have been letting go of myself lately. Like today, i sent and email with the same contents 2x to my colleague, I was so so "all around" the place at work that people who see me at work ask me, why isn't there anyone helping you? That is one question I cannot answer and I just smile and think positive.
I really should get my ass working harder than ever and the thought that keeps me going like this is my baby girl. I know that what I do now is ever more important not only to keep our family as a well maintained dual income family(only heaven knows we need more) but also to be who I am as a better example to my girl that, women are capable of better. No longer are we the stay at home types and we are able to do more than ever. Balancing home and work with ease, especially with extra hands at home. No man or in this case woman is an island. Good teamwork is essential for things to happen.
I firmly believe in living and working by example. But the worse part is, I do not wish to have too much time taken away from my baby girl especially when she is so so young. Her formative years are now where I will see her growing up and developing a personality of her own. And now is the time where, having a mommy influence is important. I just hope that I have enough time with her.
My life as at today is one of the most fufilling and important times for me. I hope to be able to spend time with her and H together as a family more often. Its really just a matter of managing it, but to be fair which I always try to be it often serves to put me at a disadvantage no matter which way I see it. H often says when can I start thinking for myself on what I want more often for a change. I really don't know, I think my personality does not allow for me to be selfish and uncaring. But I can be a real cynical person at times who has a B**** mode if trodden on will appear and please back off.
There all different kinds of people in this world, the hard part is understanding what works the best for everyone and trying to create a standard. But the problem is, not everyone can be the same, its up to you to find the balance for everyone. Everyone is different so try to understand that there may be different means to an end for any person or situation so deal with it.
I think I am a pretty capable person, I am described as quite self discipline by my family members and I am also known as quite a picky or fussy person. Other things that people know about me also involve me being quite spoilt (what to do, only child what), demanding and extra cautious. I am not the type who would throw caution to the wind and would always do my best whenever I am tasked with something. But somehow, I have been letting go of myself lately. Like today, i sent and email with the same contents 2x to my colleague, I was so so "all around" the place at work that people who see me at work ask me, why isn't there anyone helping you? That is one question I cannot answer and I just smile and think positive.
I really should get my ass working harder than ever and the thought that keeps me going like this is my baby girl. I know that what I do now is ever more important not only to keep our family as a well maintained dual income family(only heaven knows we need more) but also to be who I am as a better example to my girl that, women are capable of better. No longer are we the stay at home types and we are able to do more than ever. Balancing home and work with ease, especially with extra hands at home. No man or in this case woman is an island. Good teamwork is essential for things to happen.
I firmly believe in living and working by example. But the worse part is, I do not wish to have too much time taken away from my baby girl especially when she is so so young. Her formative years are now where I will see her growing up and developing a personality of her own. And now is the time where, having a mommy influence is important. I just hope that I have enough time with her.
My life as at today is one of the most fufilling and important times for me. I hope to be able to spend time with her and H together as a family more often. Its really just a matter of managing it, but to be fair which I always try to be it often serves to put me at a disadvantage no matter which way I see it. H often says when can I start thinking for myself on what I want more often for a change. I really don't know, I think my personality does not allow for me to be selfish and uncaring. But I can be a real cynical person at times who has a B**** mode if trodden on will appear and please back off.
There all different kinds of people in this world, the hard part is understanding what works the best for everyone and trying to create a standard. But the problem is, not everyone can be the same, its up to you to find the balance for everyone. Everyone is different so try to understand that there may be different means to an end for any person or situation so deal with it.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Talking and dancing Elmo
Its been quite some time. any case, saw transformers! It was so so so good!Loved the entire movie, though the ending was abit anti climatic. A good movie to watch if you are looking for great entertainment for a solid 2.5-3hrs.
What happens next is Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Have already made a date with my aunt and H to catch the movie. I know it will be good...
Now for a mommy with a 4mth old daughter, I think I have had it easy. Its cos of my aunt who has been helping me alot. Really appreciate everything that I have and my daughter has. My aunt was searching high and low for her for the talking and dancing elmo. We were wondering where there would be. We visited Toys r Us and didn't imagine that its all sold out.
Well, whatever it is. I am happy and thankful that I have received so much and am grateful for it all.
What happens next is Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Have already made a date with my aunt and H to catch the movie. I know it will be good...
Now for a mommy with a 4mth old daughter, I think I have had it easy. Its cos of my aunt who has been helping me alot. Really appreciate everything that I have and my daughter has. My aunt was searching high and low for her for the talking and dancing elmo. We were wondering where there would be. We visited Toys r Us and didn't imagine that its all sold out.
Well, whatever it is. I am happy and thankful that I have received so much and am grateful for it all.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Just finished reading the news from CNA and the matter that concerns me the most is the H1N1 situation. Now that we have come up from 19 to 95 in a matter of a day it seems like there is not much we can do to avoid. It will soon become like the common flu.
As a mother of one, I will worry and being in a job that puts me close to people and especially children, hence I am at risk as well. I hope that by being careful and also keeping a lookout for symptoms I can keep myself free from H1N1 and also spreading it to my family and loved ones. Especially baby Elayna. She is only 4 months and I do not want her to be affected and fall sick. When she does, she will become part of the statistics but will there be care and concern? Only from people who love her. My baby girl is my precious and I love her to bits.
When will this infection end? When will Singaporeans be more gracious and more considerate for others and not just themselves. Starting from the most basic of giving up seats for pregnant women and elderly (by the way when I was pregnant, I took MRT about 6 times and only 2 times strangers offered me their seats). That is terrible. Especially for those young women out there, if you are ever pregnant, I hope you think back on that time when you did not give up your seat to that pregnant women you saw. you understand how it feels like, how physically demanding it is and y do not want anyone to squash you.
Be considerate, put on a mask if sick. On another hand, I wonder if I have flu-like symptoms I wonder what will happen at work...sheesh.....nites!
As a mother of one, I will worry and being in a job that puts me close to people and especially children, hence I am at risk as well. I hope that by being careful and also keeping a lookout for symptoms I can keep myself free from H1N1 and also spreading it to my family and loved ones. Especially baby Elayna. She is only 4 months and I do not want her to be affected and fall sick. When she does, she will become part of the statistics but will there be care and concern? Only from people who love her. My baby girl is my precious and I love her to bits.
When will this infection end? When will Singaporeans be more gracious and more considerate for others and not just themselves. Starting from the most basic of giving up seats for pregnant women and elderly (by the way when I was pregnant, I took MRT about 6 times and only 2 times strangers offered me their seats). That is terrible. Especially for those young women out there, if you are ever pregnant, I hope you think back on that time when you did not give up your seat to that pregnant women you saw. you understand how it feels like, how physically demanding it is and y do not want anyone to squash you.
Be considerate, put on a mask if sick. On another hand, I wonder if I have flu-like symptoms I wonder what will happen at work...sheesh.....nites!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Back to work
I have been back at work for going 2 weeks. And its been alright so far. Knowing that Elayna is in good hands with god grandma, great grandma and the maid. Had some maid problems eariler but luckily for me, had been resolved. It was so lucky otherwise the maid would have to be repatriated back to Indonesia and she can never come back to SG to work again. It was all the agency's application fault but now that it has been resolved the maid can stay and all's well that end's well. And in all honesty, the maid is quite good with the baby and she is quite patient with Elayna also..so thats good.
Today, Elayna went swimming. Went to the Hwa Xia place at Plaza Singapore. Well, at first I thought it would be great and it was for Elayna, she had fun and I never expected that she would be able to kick so well on her first try and going front crawl and back stroke! I mean, it was good fun for her and all cos she is a 4 month old baby who was taking her first swim with a neck float and kicking and waving her arms about. She looks so good swimming! And she was smilling and laughing as well. Hahaha...Hubby will be posting up the vids and photos to facebook and she got her own sunglasses as well today..And I know she has strong legs and arms but today I really saw for myself...if I bring her to a pool, she will be swimming away so fast before I can say put your arms forward and kick. Anyway, she really loves the water and it was such a fun experience for her. Good exercise and it was a pity that toeay's session was so so short!
But anyway, the Hwa Xia AKA HX is kinda very basic. The staff did not teach Elayna anything and the entertainment value and the time for a basic trial of $28 was quite lacking. Elayna might have been able to kick and pedal in the water longer and i think she was kinda sad that it ended so soon. She wasn't able to enjoy longer..even after she was taken out of the water and I was trying to get her diaper on she was still kicking and kicking, waving and waving..that was how much she loved the water fun. But I think if it weren't for the H1N1 I will be bringing her to the pool to swim. so I hope this H1N1 passes over quickly so that I can bring her for a swim soon!
Today, Elayna went swimming. Went to the Hwa Xia place at Plaza Singapore. Well, at first I thought it would be great and it was for Elayna, she had fun and I never expected that she would be able to kick so well on her first try and going front crawl and back stroke! I mean, it was good fun for her and all cos she is a 4 month old baby who was taking her first swim with a neck float and kicking and waving her arms about. She looks so good swimming! And she was smilling and laughing as well. Hahaha...Hubby will be posting up the vids and photos to facebook and she got her own sunglasses as well today..And I know she has strong legs and arms but today I really saw for myself...if I bring her to a pool, she will be swimming away so fast before I can say put your arms forward and kick. Anyway, she really loves the water and it was such a fun experience for her. Good exercise and it was a pity that toeay's session was so so short!
But anyway, the Hwa Xia AKA HX is kinda very basic. The staff did not teach Elayna anything and the entertainment value and the time for a basic trial of $28 was quite lacking. Elayna might have been able to kick and pedal in the water longer and i think she was kinda sad that it ended so soon. She wasn't able to enjoy longer..even after she was taken out of the water and I was trying to get her diaper on she was still kicking and kicking, waving and waving..that was how much she loved the water fun. But I think if it weren't for the H1N1 I will be bringing her to the pool to swim. so I hope this H1N1 passes over quickly so that I can bring her for a swim soon!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
And Baby Makes Three - A must read for any couples after baby
I finished reading this marvelous book on keeping marriage and romance alive after baby arrives. Its called, "And Baby Makes Three" by John & Julie Gottman. Its a wonderful book. It talks about what happens to a marriage after baby arrives and how can we make it better not worse. Cos sometimes we get caught up by the arrival of the baby and we tend to neglect our partner's needs and feelings.
This book also includes a section for fathers and what fathering is all about. And one of the key quotes that I love in this book which I keep repeating even before I read this book.
" The greatest gift you can give your baby is a happy and strong relationship between the two of you."
A must read!
This book also includes a section for fathers and what fathering is all about. And one of the key quotes that I love in this book which I keep repeating even before I read this book.
" The greatest gift you can give your baby is a happy and strong relationship between the two of you."
A must read!
Tomorrow will be a new day
I will be heading back to work tomorrow. I am not worried much..but I am also dreading abit being away from Elayna. Work has always been a challenge for me. I mean not that its tough but its not something that can fall out of control either. But once I get the hang of it, I won't get worried.
Elayna is constantly changing, and I hope that I can catch up once I get back to work. Her first steps, her first word, her first crawl. I look forward to spending time with her as a FTWM.
Lets see how this new adventure will pan out!
Elayna is constantly changing, and I hope that I can catch up once I get back to work. Her first steps, her first word, her first crawl. I look forward to spending time with her as a FTWM.
Lets see how this new adventure will pan out!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Tired Tired
I am so so tired right now. Been staying up late these few nights. Helping H out with some of his stuff. Next week I will be heading back to work and I am worried about how baby will be without me. Especially I will be working till late. And she has been so used to me putting her to bed. I don't want to cultivate her with a late bedtime but I get worried.
Anyway, I know I will miss her but since I start later in the day, I will get to see her in the morning when she is awake. And I will be able to play with her when she is awake. I expect the return to work will be me getting used to plenty of stuff. And a blitz through new festivities. I have to mentally prepare myself for eariler hours and less time with my bb gal. Oh gosh, I will miss her.
Anyway, I know I will miss her but since I start later in the day, I will get to see her in the morning when she is awake. And I will be able to play with her when she is awake. I expect the return to work will be me getting used to plenty of stuff. And a blitz through new festivities. I have to mentally prepare myself for eariler hours and less time with my bb gal. Oh gosh, I will miss her.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Expo Part II
Part 2 of the Expo sale.
Went to Popular sale. I think I was there for nearly 3 hours! Why? Was looking for bargain books for my dear daughter. I know she can't read yet, it would be a good idea to read to her. She likes the sound of people's voices and just by reading to her, she will be very happy. Of course if she is in the mood for it. I bought so many books for her, I do not believe that she should only read those flash cards for her to learn words and all but she should also enjoy a good story. Only thing is she is a TV addict now. Just like my nephews when they were little. They would always need their dose of Barney, Teletubbies, Hi-Five to get through the day. Sorry Tristan, Gareth. But its a fact. I was always the one who had to turn the DVD on for you kids and then you would settle down. But at least Gareth was a little more active. I could sit him in the walker and he would be knocking all over the house..hahahaha.
I bought about 8-10books at the expo for $51. So I think its a bargain cos some of the books are actually compilations with many stories. I even bought quite a few disney stories for her. Talking about that, I know we are not suppose to expose her to TV so soon. But just the other day, when we were watching Monsters, Inc on TV she was laughing quite a few times. Haizzz..
I think the Popular fair was quite good in terms of book selection, especially for kids. But I was looking at laptop bags as well and was fairly disappointed with the selection. The english books i think unless you have a whole day, otherwise don't bother. But I am proud of myself at the popular sale. Instead of being overexcited, I gave myself a budget and stuck to it. I wasn't even near my budget ceiling of $60. So I was very proud of myself.
John Little sale-Seems like ever so often JL has been having sales at the Expo. And the items are quite regular now. H got 2 pairs of shoes at JL sale and he was just telling me that the shoes are kinda not good for his sole. So now I think should look for insoles for H. Wonder where to get some good and inexpensive ones. I used to get from running lab but I don't think thats the type he needs but ergo labs are so ex! Anyway, JL sales are good for going if you have an idea what you want but if you are looking for bargains, no harm looking you may never know what you can find. For myself there, I wanted to get new bras. But since I have a new size I didn't manage to find any suitable ones. Haizzz of course the new size in an increase. But I was looking for those seamless ones. Sheesh. Don't tell me I have to go Marks and Spencers.So ex...but see if they have any sale worth going to. Otherwise, other than getting a new mattress protector for the new sofa bed at gran's. I don't think there was anything else I was really looking at.
Anyway, GSS 09 has been rather quiet. So so quiet...have not been hearing of any good bargains. Anyone has got any ideas where have all the good bargains gone?
Went to Popular sale. I think I was there for nearly 3 hours! Why? Was looking for bargain books for my dear daughter. I know she can't read yet, it would be a good idea to read to her. She likes the sound of people's voices and just by reading to her, she will be very happy. Of course if she is in the mood for it. I bought so many books for her, I do not believe that she should only read those flash cards for her to learn words and all but she should also enjoy a good story. Only thing is she is a TV addict now. Just like my nephews when they were little. They would always need their dose of Barney, Teletubbies, Hi-Five to get through the day. Sorry Tristan, Gareth. But its a fact. I was always the one who had to turn the DVD on for you kids and then you would settle down. But at least Gareth was a little more active. I could sit him in the walker and he would be knocking all over the house..hahahaha.
I bought about 8-10books at the expo for $51. So I think its a bargain cos some of the books are actually compilations with many stories. I even bought quite a few disney stories for her. Talking about that, I know we are not suppose to expose her to TV so soon. But just the other day, when we were watching Monsters, Inc on TV she was laughing quite a few times. Haizzz..
I think the Popular fair was quite good in terms of book selection, especially for kids. But I was looking at laptop bags as well and was fairly disappointed with the selection. The english books i think unless you have a whole day, otherwise don't bother. But I am proud of myself at the popular sale. Instead of being overexcited, I gave myself a budget and stuck to it. I wasn't even near my budget ceiling of $60. So I was very proud of myself.
John Little sale-Seems like ever so often JL has been having sales at the Expo. And the items are quite regular now. H got 2 pairs of shoes at JL sale and he was just telling me that the shoes are kinda not good for his sole. So now I think should look for insoles for H. Wonder where to get some good and inexpensive ones. I used to get from running lab but I don't think thats the type he needs but ergo labs are so ex! Anyway, JL sales are good for going if you have an idea what you want but if you are looking for bargains, no harm looking you may never know what you can find. For myself there, I wanted to get new bras. But since I have a new size I didn't manage to find any suitable ones. Haizzz of course the new size in an increase. But I was looking for those seamless ones. Sheesh. Don't tell me I have to go Marks and Spencers.So ex...but see if they have any sale worth going to. Otherwise, other than getting a new mattress protector for the new sofa bed at gran's. I don't think there was anything else I was really looking at.
Anyway, GSS 09 has been rather quiet. So so quiet...have not been hearing of any good bargains. Anyone has got any ideas where have all the good bargains gone?
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
So so sleepy
So sorry, I just don't have the energy to add on to part 2 of expo tales. So so sleepy today. I was up till 3am and then Elayna my precious was asleep from 10 - about 3.30am...So as I was about to fall asleep my darling woke up and wanted to drink milk. Hai...So ya had to wake up. And then went back to sleep at 4:30am, woke up at 7:30am.
Cos now that we are getting used to the schedule of bringing Elayna to my gran's during the day..I so need to learn how to drive! So H can take his bike to work and I can drive the car...argh!
Cos now that we are getting used to the schedule of bringing Elayna to my gran's during the day..I so need to learn how to drive! So H can take his bike to work and I can drive the car...argh!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Too long?
My Newphew..Mr ODD, said my blog posts are too long..comments anyone?Then again he is 12..so there.hahaha...
Expo-Shopping+Adventure day 6/Jun 09 {Part 1}
Elayna was placed in care at great granma hse so that the maid and great granma, grandma and god granma can play with her and look after her.
Hubby & I went to Toh Guan East where the medela service centre is to get my PIS repaired. Got there around 11.30am, left around 12nn. Very fast.But costs me $65 to get the cover replaced..lucky still under warranty otherwise might have to pay service charge. I can't seem to find the warranty card, lucky still had to receipt. Bought it from KKH FFY. And they did not provide me a original motor cos they brought it in from the US. Thats called parallel importing.
After Toh Guan, left for Expo. The decision to go Expo was due to the fact that there were 3 fairs that I was keen on visiting. Motherhood(went on thu to recce ,Sat going buy), Popular(books galore) and John Little (additional looksee).
Motherhood fair
Walked around again. After visiting the Toh Guan Service Centre, H & I found some interesting items we like to get. A forehead thermometer. Little Elayna does not appreciate us poking at her underarm so we decided that we wanted to get a forehead thermometer. And we wanted to be able to moniter her temp when she sleep as well, without have to poke her underarm. So ya. Got a forehead thermometer from the medela mums & babes booth for $55.90. Perhaps might be abit ex but then again, cheaper than the thermaflash that the polyclinics and hospitals are using. $179! I mean retails at over $230 but special offer at the MH fair. But not really practical for home use. If I have 3-5kids who does nothing but squirm and run about perhaps.hahaha.But since I intend to have 2 kids er..don't really need such a high end one.
Went back to the nestle booth.Found out more about the nestle Nan. Anyone has any comments on it? Is it sweet or anything?Cos Elayna's drinking Friso and its pretty good but dunno lar. The fact that Nestle NAN has this hypoallergic component which reduces allergies would be a good idea. Did not buy more of the rice cereal or gerber as initially thought. M mentioned a good point. What if she does not like the taste. Instead, signed up for Nestle club so that I can know more. H said I was giving away free details again.
Went to the HUGGIES booth. Really liked the 2 for $25 deal there, cos the best deal I saw was from NTUC-2 for $30.45. Bought a mix of 2M 2L and got a free Little Tikes tiger torch.H asked me if Elayna would be scared of it with the sound it makes(a roaring sount) I said nope. And naturally mommy was right. She absolutely loved it! Anyway, bought only 2M and got 2L cos at home we bought 3petpet M70 (3 for $34.65 @ NTUC) and one pureen M84. I think that would be enough to last her for at least 4-6mths I think. Signed up for HUGGIES club, got the recycle bags, Hubby signed up too. They are really big and useful. Now using it as transportation bags for Elayna's stuff from home to Gran and back again.
We walked around again,went to a booth at the end of the hall, bought a neck float for her $14.90 for a small size one which fits 0-24mths. nice.H wanted it. We both wanted to get the tub, but realised that well, our bathroom is kinda small and will be tight so we resisted and got the float instead. Decided that we will bring her go swimming after this H1N1 stablises(will talk more another day).
Bought a set of bodysuits for 12mths(abit kiasu I know) but getting Elayna to wear clothes is like a challenge. She does not like getting dressed. Like now, being 3plus 4mths, she is wearing up to 6mths clothes. And her god granma just got her more clothes for 6-9mths from M&S. So she is well equipped. If you wonder y more bodysuits, cos she perspires easily. And at night rather than t-shirt and shorts she will be more comfy in bodysuits. Short sleeve on that is. Only on nights that are kinda chilly then she will wear the long sleeve ones. Anyway, the 12mths ones are 5 for $15 so 3bucks per pc. Of cos I buy lor.
Bought also the Baby I can read set of flash card books. Cos we have the baby I can read vcd so bought only the books. Will have to let her watch and read also.
Finally I found myself subscribing to Motherhood magazine for 3yrs. I never ever subscribe to such mags (only TIME & RD previously) now I am a bona fide kiasu mom. Just slightly. So that I can read up on the latest, what is the best and what I should be aware of. And working in the related sports/kids enrichment services, gives me an update on what are the things we should be aware of.
The freebies I got and the premiums are quite worthwhile, but not really needed. Shld be selling them away online as well. Posting on some forums soon. As soon as I get to the photo taking again..hai.
Wanted to buy more nursing bras but since I am going back to work and won't be doing much BF thought better of it. Looking for normal bras but w/o the underwire, so difficult for my size. Must budget now.
MH fair was pretty alright. I loved the Nestle, Huggies and the variety of diapers & products available there. But I think there needs to be more
comprehensive & basic items to be cheaper(other than the Nestle was great!). Like Johnson & Johnson's booth wasn't any interesting at all. No great offers like bundled deals. Pigeon was missing from this fair, drypers, and many others.Perhaps babies r us should consider going into these fairs. Even Kidzloft should. But honestly, I was tempted by many things at this fair but luckily I had H to keep me level headed.
Next On..Popular fair..next post!keep a lookout for the bargain mummy
Hubby & I went to Toh Guan East where the medela service centre is to get my PIS repaired. Got there around 11.30am, left around 12nn. Very fast.But costs me $65 to get the cover replaced..lucky still under warranty otherwise might have to pay service charge. I can't seem to find the warranty card, lucky still had to receipt. Bought it from KKH FFY. And they did not provide me a original motor cos they brought it in from the US. Thats called parallel importing.
After Toh Guan, left for Expo. The decision to go Expo was due to the fact that there were 3 fairs that I was keen on visiting. Motherhood(went on thu to recce ,Sat going buy), Popular(books galore) and John Little (additional looksee).
Motherhood fair
Walked around again. After visiting the Toh Guan Service Centre, H & I found some interesting items we like to get. A forehead thermometer. Little Elayna does not appreciate us poking at her underarm so we decided that we wanted to get a forehead thermometer. And we wanted to be able to moniter her temp when she sleep as well, without have to poke her underarm. So ya. Got a forehead thermometer from the medela mums & babes booth for $55.90. Perhaps might be abit ex but then again, cheaper than the thermaflash that the polyclinics and hospitals are using. $179! I mean retails at over $230 but special offer at the MH fair. But not really practical for home use. If I have 3-5kids who does nothing but squirm and run about perhaps.hahaha.But since I intend to have 2 kids er..don't really need such a high end one.
Went back to the nestle booth.Found out more about the nestle Nan. Anyone has any comments on it? Is it sweet or anything?Cos Elayna's drinking Friso and its pretty good but dunno lar. The fact that Nestle NAN has this hypoallergic component which reduces allergies would be a good idea. Did not buy more of the rice cereal or gerber as initially thought. M mentioned a good point. What if she does not like the taste. Instead, signed up for Nestle club so that I can know more. H said I was giving away free details again.
Went to the HUGGIES booth. Really liked the 2 for $25 deal there, cos the best deal I saw was from NTUC-2 for $30.45. Bought a mix of 2M 2L and got a free Little Tikes tiger torch.H asked me if Elayna would be scared of it with the sound it makes(a roaring sount) I said nope. And naturally mommy was right. She absolutely loved it! Anyway, bought only 2M and got 2L cos at home we bought 3petpet M70 (3 for $34.65 @ NTUC) and one pureen M84. I think that would be enough to last her for at least 4-6mths I think. Signed up for HUGGIES club, got the recycle bags, Hubby signed up too. They are really big and useful. Now using it as transportation bags for Elayna's stuff from home to Gran and back again.
We walked around again,went to a booth at the end of the hall, bought a neck float for her $14.90 for a small size one which fits 0-24mths. nice.H wanted it. We both wanted to get the tub, but realised that well, our bathroom is kinda small and will be tight so we resisted and got the float instead. Decided that we will bring her go swimming after this H1N1 stablises(will talk more another day).
Bought a set of bodysuits for 12mths(abit kiasu I know) but getting Elayna to wear clothes is like a challenge. She does not like getting dressed. Like now, being 3plus 4mths, she is wearing up to 6mths clothes. And her god granma just got her more clothes for 6-9mths from M&S. So she is well equipped. If you wonder y more bodysuits, cos she perspires easily. And at night rather than t-shirt and shorts she will be more comfy in bodysuits. Short sleeve on that is. Only on nights that are kinda chilly then she will wear the long sleeve ones. Anyway, the 12mths ones are 5 for $15 so 3bucks per pc. Of cos I buy lor.
Bought also the Baby I can read set of flash card books. Cos we have the baby I can read vcd so bought only the books. Will have to let her watch and read also.
Finally I found myself subscribing to Motherhood magazine for 3yrs. I never ever subscribe to such mags (only TIME & RD previously) now I am a bona fide kiasu mom. Just slightly. So that I can read up on the latest, what is the best and what I should be aware of. And working in the related sports/kids enrichment services, gives me an update on what are the things we should be aware of.
The freebies I got and the premiums are quite worthwhile, but not really needed. Shld be selling them away online as well. Posting on some forums soon. As soon as I get to the photo taking again..hai.
Wanted to buy more nursing bras but since I am going back to work and won't be doing much BF thought better of it. Looking for normal bras but w/o the underwire, so difficult for my size. Must budget now.
MH fair was pretty alright. I loved the Nestle, Huggies and the variety of diapers & products available there. But I think there needs to be more
comprehensive & basic items to be cheaper(other than the Nestle was great!). Like Johnson & Johnson's booth wasn't any interesting at all. No great offers like bundled deals. Pigeon was missing from this fair, drypers, and many others.Perhaps babies r us should consider going into these fairs. Even Kidzloft should. But honestly, I was tempted by many things at this fair but luckily I had H to keep me level headed.
Next On..Popular fair..next post!keep a lookout for the bargain mummy
medela pump,
motherhood fair09,
I think she is...& my medela PIS
I think, I think, she is teething..I know I know. It sounds kinda extreme that she starts teething now but she is showing signs.
1)Spot of white on her gums. Felt it, it was hard and well have to admit her bottom front gum has also shown signs such as the teeth shapings.
2)Growing increasingly fond of biting at her bottle teat..gosh.
3)Constant biting of fingers
The above signs have lead me to believe that she is teething. So there. If anyone like to tell me more signs to lookout for please share here. It would really help.
Okay, in my previous post I talked about going back to the Expo for the motherhood fair and I did.
Oh yea, I bought a medela manual pump cos my PIS tube connector broke. I thought it might take a while but who knows it took them 30mins to fix it back with a new cover...So I think I will be selling off my medela manual. I only used it once and less than 30mins somemore. Brand new!Should be posting that along with some other items on some forums soon..Just as soon as I get my hands to taking pics of all the stuff.
Expo..-A Day of adventure..Refer to next post.This will be long
1)Spot of white on her gums. Felt it, it was hard and well have to admit her bottom front gum has also shown signs such as the teeth shapings.
2)Growing increasingly fond of biting at her bottle teat..gosh.
3)Constant biting of fingers
The above signs have lead me to believe that she is teething. So there. If anyone like to tell me more signs to lookout for please share here. It would really help.
Okay, in my previous post I talked about going back to the Expo for the motherhood fair and I did.
Oh yea, I bought a medela manual pump cos my PIS tube connector broke. I thought it might take a while but who knows it took them 30mins to fix it back with a new cover...So I think I will be selling off my medela manual. I only used it once and less than 30mins somemore. Brand new!Should be posting that along with some other items on some forums soon..Just as soon as I get my hands to taking pics of all the stuff.
Expo..-A Day of adventure..Refer to next post.This will be long
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Shopping @ Expo
The motherhood fair that I went to on thursday was alright I guess. I mean I am going back today (since its after 12mn) to get more stuff. Diapers and some misc stuff that I had missed out eariler.
Anyway, really tempted to get the baby swimming tub for her. Undecided between the one 80x80 or 90x70 cos if I get the 90x70 I can get in with her.hehe But M has been so unreasonable. At first we wanted to sign her up for baby swimming sessions with hwa xia, plus after the swim there is a baby massage you can sign up for at $10 per session. Well she said she was too small, and then she may get sick easily. Wait till 3mths. Now Elayna's 3mths, she says H1N1...so I say get the baby swimming tub, $70 or $75 depending on which one we get. Safe and not to worry about mixing outside. I can do the massage for her. But now say waste of money. I recall hubby telling me his colleague had bought the tub for his son as well as seems like it was quite good in helping baby development. Why is it that M cannot see it this way? I have already told her that it will help her but does she listen? Never, she says its a waste of money, well its money well spent if Elayna grows and develops well adjusted and stronger, fitter. Let her learn how to develop her physical and mental co-ordination through this swimming activity. Its never easy, and I think that its fair to say that I would like her to be able to get the advantage that she can at this early age. Wait till she is older then start to stress her too late. Now through fun she can develop, y not?
Anyway, if we do buy I think it will be well worth it. Going back later for John little and popular @ expo as well. Will be spending the day there. But before that have to go to Toh guan to get my Medala PIS fixed. the cover with the connecting tube broke so have to change the cover. $65 for the change. I might as well get them to look at the motor as well. I went to First Few Years at KKH, they also charge the same but they cannot check the motor and they say might have to wait. Going back to the dealer 30mins, should be okay. Of course I prefer to go back to technical centre. Will update on how it was at the TC. But I really like my medala PIS, the pump is good and its quite strong. I bought the manual medela, really regret. Now I think I want to sell second hand. Only used once. Will be letting go of it soon.
Will update more soon about my shopping and repair adventures!
Anyway, really tempted to get the baby swimming tub for her. Undecided between the one 80x80 or 90x70 cos if I get the 90x70 I can get in with her.hehe But M has been so unreasonable. At first we wanted to sign her up for baby swimming sessions with hwa xia, plus after the swim there is a baby massage you can sign up for at $10 per session. Well she said she was too small, and then she may get sick easily. Wait till 3mths. Now Elayna's 3mths, she says H1N1...so I say get the baby swimming tub, $70 or $75 depending on which one we get. Safe and not to worry about mixing outside. I can do the massage for her. But now say waste of money. I recall hubby telling me his colleague had bought the tub for his son as well as seems like it was quite good in helping baby development. Why is it that M cannot see it this way? I have already told her that it will help her but does she listen? Never, she says its a waste of money, well its money well spent if Elayna grows and develops well adjusted and stronger, fitter. Let her learn how to develop her physical and mental co-ordination through this swimming activity. Its never easy, and I think that its fair to say that I would like her to be able to get the advantage that she can at this early age. Wait till she is older then start to stress her too late. Now through fun she can develop, y not?
Anyway, if we do buy I think it will be well worth it. Going back later for John little and popular @ expo as well. Will be spending the day there. But before that have to go to Toh guan to get my Medala PIS fixed. the cover with the connecting tube broke so have to change the cover. $65 for the change. I might as well get them to look at the motor as well. I went to First Few Years at KKH, they also charge the same but they cannot check the motor and they say might have to wait. Going back to the dealer 30mins, should be okay. Of course I prefer to go back to technical centre. Will update on how it was at the TC. But I really like my medala PIS, the pump is good and its quite strong. I bought the manual medela, really regret. Now I think I want to sell second hand. Only used once. Will be letting go of it soon.
Will update more soon about my shopping and repair adventures!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
A Spot of white
Elayna has started to sprout tooth! A HA! Such a surprise....I thought babies will have teeth only 4months and older. But this little lady started at slightly over 3mths. Its on her right side and thought I was over reacting when I saw her start to bite at her fingers 2 weeks back. I let her bite her fingers but when she started to suck i would pull her hand out. She starts to stick her entire fist into her mouth...haiya...I will just pull it out and tell her Please don't put your hand into your mouth.
Then y do I let her bite? hahaha..cos even if she bite she will stop once her teeth grows out. Pain mah! So she will learn and lesson and stop biting..hahahaha...I am so evil...
Then y do I let her bite? hahaha..cos even if she bite she will stop once her teeth grows out. Pain mah! So she will learn and lesson and stop biting..hahahaha...I am so evil...
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Having Help & other things
I now have a maid to help me take care of Elayna when I get back to work. Its thanks to my aunt that I have this extra help. After being here for about 2weeks it seems like she knows my baby girl well enough. That's good thing I will say. But now that I have put her on FM, my daytime milk supply has run low. I am still continuing with nighttime BM feeds but I get so worried that its not enough. Like last night, she woke up at 11am and I gave her some milk, 1am, 3plus and then 6plus. I wonder if my milk is not enough.
I really hope that she can sleep longer but I also wish she can continue her nighttime BM feeds. The dilemma. Well as long as she is growing well, that is the most important thing. But I will work hard towards the nighttime feeding. It will be tough for me once I get back to work, but all along the main idea was having the best for her. So I will keep that notion in mind and keep to it. =D
I really hope that she can sleep longer but I also wish she can continue her nighttime BM feeds. The dilemma. Well as long as she is growing well, that is the most important thing. But I will work hard towards the nighttime feeding. It will be tough for me once I get back to work, but all along the main idea was having the best for her. So I will keep that notion in mind and keep to it. =D
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Ah HA!- Clackity Clack

My baby girl has learnt how to do the clucking sound with her tongue. hahaha..even her granma was impressed. She started out trying and was licking at her lips loudly(look at the pic!) till she finally got it over a few days. About 3days I think..and its so amusing when she finally did! Haha...
Another milestone she reached was her managing to turn. Just the other day, she turned herself to the side and she turned herself to her tummy and got really angry frustrated...she actually does not like being on her tummy but she feeling frustrated at being left on the bed while I was pretending to sleep beside her. Well, I really wanted to see what she would do, :-P
And she started to turn and finally when she got on her tummy she cried out in frustration..but she turned nonetheless.Initially she was turning from her tummy to her back, cos she really hated being on her tummy but now...hehehe..And she tends to turn on her side more often now. Just the other night, she turned her body 45degress to her side. H & I will have to watch out more often. But I think the dimple pillow actually helps to hold her in the position so that she doesn't overdo the turning when she sleeps. So I have a slight peace of mind and not worry about her suffocating.
I am so looking forward to the motherhood fair coming up this week, I would like to get some great bargains on diapers, clothes, baby items. maybe a booster chair. I have been eyeing the one at www.kidzloft.com.sg for the longest time. Its ex but I think it will last her quite a while. Its a five stage seat so it will last her. I am hoping to find bargains at the fair so crossing my fingers! And the best part is the popular book fair at the same period, more baby books for my baby! YAY!!!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
FaceBook link
YAY! I have finally manged to link on to facebook..the little wonders of technology today...one more thing..now weaning baby off breastmilk in the day..so now planning a routine for her to follow. At night after 11pm, she would be able to have BM and early morning hours should she awake. Its tough..sometimes she cries as she was so used my breast but these few days as long as we catch the timing right. She should be able to drink from the bottle and also formula milk (FM). I would like to be able to express out my BM but I consider my working schedule, which might be me alone, its hard for me actually spend time to express it out. So I might have to change Elayna to FM.
Being a FTWM(full time working mom) is much harder than it is. SAHM(Stay at home mom) is not easy either but once you get the hang of it, its actually much easier. I was with my baby at home for a full 3mths till help came along and I enjoy every moment of it. If I could, I would like to continue. But I know that having her will motivate me even further. I used to think that I set an example for others to follow, and now that I have a baby to set example to I have to work even harder and better.
I just hope that I will be able to.For my baby.
Being a FTWM(full time working mom) is much harder than it is. SAHM(Stay at home mom) is not easy either but once you get the hang of it, its actually much easier. I was with my baby at home for a full 3mths till help came along and I enjoy every moment of it. If I could, I would like to continue. But I know that having her will motivate me even further. I used to think that I set an example for others to follow, and now that I have a baby to set example to I have to work even harder and better.
I just hope that I will be able to.For my baby.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Sleeping Habits at 2months 3weeks
Its really amazing how Elayna can sleep. She will still wake up around 1plus 2am for night feeds and subsequently for the next few 2 hour intervals she will wake up and want milk. Thank goodness I do breast feeding! Otherwise I would hate the idea of waking up and making a bottle of milk. Now as I type, H(hubby) is changing her diapers. By the way, pampers S size for her is no good for through the night sleeping. I can reccomend a few if anyone is interested to know. Back to my tale.
As daddy is changing her diapers, she has absolutely no reaction to what is going on with the change. She just woke up for a feed and this girl feeds for less than 15mins and she falls asleep and now that daddy is changing her diapers she can still sleep. Its amazing how these little ones can just sleep through things. I can hear her making small noises but her eyes and her legs are totally closed and not moving.
The most amazing part about her is, depending on how active her day was. She sometimes would cry out or laugh in her sleep. Just in the eariler part as she is about to fall into her deep sleep. Sometimes she would smile, laugh out or pout and cry (which usually is resolved very quickly with some soothing words from mommy). She dreams alot and I sometimes wonder what would her dreams entail. Is she playing in her dreams, what if when she cries whats happening and when she smiles, what actually is going on in her little head? I just get so amazed everyday.
But it has been tough lately on getting a proper sleeping schedule for her. Just the other day, we brought her out for dinner and just that one night spoilt 3days worth of routine. Argh!! I just need to sort it out.And make sure that if a routine is set, we have got to keep to it. Right now,its just hovering between getting her to sleep around 7:30 - 8pm or 10 -11pm. Just gotta go trial and error to know what's best for her.
I just realised that its 4 in the morning and H is nagging at me to sleep. I am multi tasking. Facebook, reading forums all at the same time...hahaha...
As daddy is changing her diapers, she has absolutely no reaction to what is going on with the change. She just woke up for a feed and this girl feeds for less than 15mins and she falls asleep and now that daddy is changing her diapers she can still sleep. Its amazing how these little ones can just sleep through things. I can hear her making small noises but her eyes and her legs are totally closed and not moving.
The most amazing part about her is, depending on how active her day was. She sometimes would cry out or laugh in her sleep. Just in the eariler part as she is about to fall into her deep sleep. Sometimes she would smile, laugh out or pout and cry (which usually is resolved very quickly with some soothing words from mommy). She dreams alot and I sometimes wonder what would her dreams entail. Is she playing in her dreams, what if when she cries whats happening and when she smiles, what actually is going on in her little head? I just get so amazed everyday.
But it has been tough lately on getting a proper sleeping schedule for her. Just the other day, we brought her out for dinner and just that one night spoilt 3days worth of routine. Argh!! I just need to sort it out.And make sure that if a routine is set, we have got to keep to it. Right now,its just hovering between getting her to sleep around 7:30 - 8pm or 10 -11pm. Just gotta go trial and error to know what's best for her.
I just realised that its 4 in the morning and H is nagging at me to sleep. I am multi tasking. Facebook, reading forums all at the same time...hahaha...
Friday, May 15, 2009
New Day with Elayna
Just this morning when I got up, I found my daughter awake and amusing herself in her cot and that was about 7.50am. So immediately I got up worried that she might cry and get upset which she does but to my surprise when I got near her cot, the minute she saw me, she just gave me the biggest smile she could ever give anyone! She was smiling so wide that her eyes closed! Hahaha...naturally I smiled the widest smile I could give her! And I gave her my usual 'good morning' routine. Good morning sunshine, Good morning Elayna and that made her smile even more. This is what happens when she gets enough sleep.
Of course then I knew I had to feed her, being a breast feeding mom I understand the joys of being able to breast feed your own baby but on another note, when I get back to work, even with a breast pump I'm not sure if I will be able to continue breast feeding her cos I don't know if I have the time to pump.
Well lets put that aside.After her milk, I burped her and we continue to play somemore where there were more smiles and laughs. Boy did she enjoy herself. Then it was bathtime.
Elayna has always enjoyed her bath. always silently aware but alert during bathtime. The funniest thing is, no matter hw much preparation I do to let her know I am putting her inthe water she always gets this WIDE EYED look whenever I put her in. But she is fine, she still kicks abit as if she is swimming, its a rather lazy kicking style. Just when she feels like it.hahaha
After her bath, I was putting abit of lotion on her while giving her a slight massage at the same time, putting the ru yi oil(to allow th e wind to come out), wearing her diapers, clothes(she always fusses while putting on clothes) she started to fuss and complain abit. I knew she must be sleepy she usually doesn't complain if she knows I am putting on her diapers. So I changed the topic that I was talking to her about. I told her that I would be faster but she shouldn't be upset so that I can be faster. It worked for a while but soon she begin her starting complains of 'ma..ma' As though she could call me at 2months 3weeks.
So I had to work even faster and when it was done and i carried her up to give her abit more of milk, about 20mins into the feed, she fell asleep.
There you go..She was tired out. I put her down on my bed and laid down beside to assure her that I was not going anywhere. When I gave her my finger to hold on to, she practically gripped it. That was how worried she was about me going away so I waited till she was relaxed then my finger was allowed to leave.
Then she wanted to drink abit more milk, so we both lay down and soon she fell back to sleep and had been sleeping from 11 till now at 1.30pm and still sleeping. I am so proud of her. She usually doesn't take naps but lately I think she is doing better. Later when she wakes up, we will play again. hehehe
Of course then I knew I had to feed her, being a breast feeding mom I understand the joys of being able to breast feed your own baby but on another note, when I get back to work, even with a breast pump I'm not sure if I will be able to continue breast feeding her cos I don't know if I have the time to pump.
Well lets put that aside.After her milk, I burped her and we continue to play somemore where there were more smiles and laughs. Boy did she enjoy herself. Then it was bathtime.
Elayna has always enjoyed her bath. always silently aware but alert during bathtime. The funniest thing is, no matter hw much preparation I do to let her know I am putting her inthe water she always gets this WIDE EYED look whenever I put her in. But she is fine, she still kicks abit as if she is swimming, its a rather lazy kicking style. Just when she feels like it.hahaha
After her bath, I was putting abit of lotion on her while giving her a slight massage at the same time, putting the ru yi oil(to allow th e wind to come out), wearing her diapers, clothes(she always fusses while putting on clothes) she started to fuss and complain abit. I knew she must be sleepy she usually doesn't complain if she knows I am putting on her diapers. So I changed the topic that I was talking to her about. I told her that I would be faster but she shouldn't be upset so that I can be faster. It worked for a while but soon she begin her starting complains of 'ma..ma' As though she could call me at 2months 3weeks.
So I had to work even faster and when it was done and i carried her up to give her abit more of milk, about 20mins into the feed, she fell asleep.
There you go..She was tired out. I put her down on my bed and laid down beside to assure her that I was not going anywhere. When I gave her my finger to hold on to, she practically gripped it. That was how worried she was about me going away so I waited till she was relaxed then my finger was allowed to leave.
Then she wanted to drink abit more milk, so we both lay down and soon she fell back to sleep and had been sleeping from 11 till now at 1.30pm and still sleeping. I am so proud of her. She usually doesn't take naps but lately I think she is doing better. Later when she wakes up, we will play again. hehehe
Monday, May 11, 2009
Elayna's Day
My baby girl Elayna at 2mths and 3 weeks has the sweetest of smiles but its so hard to capture on picture that most adorable smile. I will try my hardest to capture the special moments and post them on this blog.
Being on maternity leave now gives me time to bond and appreciate these moments I have with my baby girl every single day. Sometimes its really tiring but I know that I am learning more and more about her every single day. I think a lot about what she needs and what she would want from me every day. Being a mum at 28yrs is something that I could not expect at all. It seems like yesterday that I was carrying Elayna in my tummy and I could feel her punches. She was a breech baby which means that she did not turn down at all for me to deliver her naturally. Up till the day that the c-section which was scheduled for her delivery I was still hoping for her to turn down. But the doctor did an Ultra sound and she was still in her breech position, so the c-section had to go ahead.
It was cold in the OT, I could see the temperature in the room was 18degrees and I was only dressed in the operation gown which was open in the back..and boy was it cold!! As I was in the OT prep room the doctor was giving me the low down on how the operation will proceed. And as I was wheeled into the OT I was getting all prepped up for the spinal anestatisic which will make me immobile from the waist down and slowly proceed to make me totally numb everywhere below the neck. Was I afraid?. Nah... It felt quite itchy and I was shivering (which was normal when you are under the spinal.) And slowly I could feel my neck going numb. A screen was pulled up so that I could not see them cutting into me, but I could still feel a slight tugging at my skin around the abdominal area. At the same time I could feel like vomitting and it was another normal feeling to have under the spinal. The purpose here is so that I can bond eariler with the baby by keeping awake throughout the procedure. This way they can show me the baby immediately after she was taken out from my womb. Throughout the whole process, I was wishing that my hubby was there with me so that he could share through every single moment of her birth.
I remember it clearly, she was so loud the minute she was taken out from me. She was wailing away and she was screaming her head off and the doctor was saying that she has a good set of lungs in her. The minute I heard her scream I was wondering how does she look like, was she safe, was she alright and does she have all her digits..etc... all the typical motherly things I could think of. I saw the nurse carrying her out towards the OT prep area to clean her up and I felt as though it was forever before she was brought back to me so that I can have a look at her. I remember holding on to my fatigue to stay awake so that I can see her before I closed my eyes.
Finally I saw her and she was beautiful. Eyes was slightly open and she could see me and I could see her. I kissed her and said Elayna..baby..it was so emotional that I cried. That was my baby and I was so proud of her to have come out so strong and healthy. At that moment all I prayed for was for her to continue be strong and healthy and for me be with her.
I was closed up, and wheeled to the post op room where I was suppose to recover. But I was missing my baby so much. I couldn't wait to go up to the room to see her but I was hovering in and out of alertness and awakeness.
At that moment all I wanted was for my hubby to tell me that baby is fine and wonderful. But I was instead told that I had to stay in recovery ward as it was taking me longer than usual to come off the anesthetic.
To cut the long story short, I was finally brought up to my ward around 3pm and finally got to see my daughter in the evening. And she was beautiful...
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