Thursday, June 4, 2020

2 months in....Circuit Breaker Singapore

Enter June....

I had been working from home since End March and it had been an interesting experience.

Growing into parenthood, adulthood, middle-age all at home during this period.

During this period, I saw many things that I would have usually missed. I tried not to rush, I slowed down with my children.

Sometimes the slowing down worked, sometimes it didn't and we couldn't.

Home-based learning was a challenge for all parents, sometimes our children behaved like model students and sometimes they don't.

Some children can finish their work in record speed, some took several hours or an entire day.

One thing for sure, it all takes time to develop a routine and create habits.

Nothing is impossible for our children to do, but its about reminding them about the right habits and good habits to have.

I admit that I was one the many parents that were driven crazy by HBL, believe me shouting was unavoidable.

I repeated myself on making effort and paying attention to self.

I repeated myself a million times on being mindful with their words and understanding their own emotions.

I reminded myself to calm down million times.

I avoid insanity by looking for things to do together with my children.

No, I did not join the baking team, cooking team.

We did long walks, we marathon on 西游记 moderately😄, we sat down and have meals together.

We investigated questions and things they wondered. We learnt how to use the internet for research. 

I tried my best. Making effort and see changes. There have been improvements but its one step at time with two steps back.  Then one step forward again...

Thankfully I have 2 children and they take turns to inspire me and also drive me to the borders of insanity.

So I know that by trying my best, it is possible but it takes lots of emotional and mental strength.

We try our best everyday as parents, we face struggles but we feel thankful that this period we have them together with us during this period. They have adapted somehow, and so have we.

We continue to adapt and be resilient together. 

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