Monday, February 8, 2010

Little things in life

Last night I was teasing H about 'push gift' for me. For those who have not gone through the nine months of carrying a bundle its a gift which a husband who will usually present to their wife after they have given birth. The gift is to signify the hardship their wife will go through after labour. Well in my case, I didn't have to go through labour as I had a c-section due to my breech baby. But in general, its a husband's way of showing appreciation and gratitude to their wife for carrying the baby and giving birth with the long labour process.

So I was teasing him about not getting me a 'push gift' and he was looking all so guilty about it. To be honest, having the gift or not is not a really big deal. He has been very sweet about alot of things, although abit oblivious in the first place.

Changing diapers, bathing the baby, changing baby clothes, putting her to sleep, etc..etc...well he still needs more work but I think he does it better and better day by day. He is still a guy after all, needs more training in being delicate. That is not a natural trait in men in general.

Well, we all need training to be better mums and dads we also need to pay more attention to our children needs and our needs as well. May it be ourselves as individuals or a couple or as parents. The little things that we do, really do matter.

Sometimes paying that little bit more of attention, does go a long way.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Especially to my special H and my little E.


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