Friday, May 15, 2009

New Day with Elayna

Just this morning when I got up, I found my daughter awake and amusing herself in her cot and that was about 7.50am. So immediately I got up worried that she might cry and get upset which she does but to my surprise when I got near her cot, the minute she saw me, she just gave me the biggest smile she could ever give anyone! She was smiling so wide that her eyes closed! Hahaha...naturally I smiled the widest smile I could give her! And I gave her my usual 'good morning' routine. Good morning sunshine, Good morning Elayna and that made her smile even more. This is what happens when she gets enough sleep.

Of course then I knew I had to feed her, being a breast feeding mom I understand the joys of being able to breast feed your own baby but on another note, when I get back to work, even with a breast pump I'm not sure if I will be able to continue breast feeding her cos I don't know if I have the time to pump.

Well lets put that aside.After her milk, I burped her and we continue to play somemore where there were more smiles and laughs. Boy did she enjoy herself. Then it was bathtime.

Elayna has always enjoyed her bath. always silently aware but alert during bathtime. The funniest thing is, no matter hw much preparation I do to let her know I am putting her inthe water she always gets this WIDE EYED look whenever I put her in. But she is fine, she still kicks abit as if she is swimming, its a rather lazy kicking style. Just when she feels like it.hahaha

After her bath, I was putting abit of lotion on her while giving her a slight massage at the same time, putting the ru yi oil(to allow th e wind to come out), wearing her diapers, clothes(she always fusses while putting on clothes) she started to fuss and complain abit. I knew she must be sleepy she usually doesn't complain if she knows I am putting on her diapers. So I changed the topic that I was talking to her about. I told her that I would be faster but she shouldn't be upset so that I can be faster. It worked for a while but soon she begin her starting complains of '' As though she could call me at 2months 3weeks.
So I had to work even faster and when it was done and i carried her up to give her abit more of milk, about 20mins into the feed, she fell asleep.

There you go..She was tired out. I put her down on my bed and laid down beside to assure her that I was not going anywhere. When I gave her my finger to hold on to, she practically gripped it. That was how worried she was about me going away so I waited till she was relaxed then my finger was allowed to leave.

Then she wanted to drink abit more milk, so we both lay down and soon she fell back to sleep and had been sleeping from 11 till now at 1.30pm and still sleeping. I am so proud of her. She usually doesn't take naps but lately I think she is doing better. Later when she wakes up, we will play again. hehehe

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